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About Us - Israel Taxis
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WPCS 1.1.9
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en English
WPCS 1.1.9

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About Us

Usually, in the “About Us” page you find details about the company, when it was established, how many people it employs and so on – figures and data which are no sooner read than are forgotten. But the name Israel Taxis and especially the level of transportation services it represents you can’t forget. One ride with us is enough to summarize all you need to know about us.

Welcome to Israel Taxis

Taxis – Private Transportation Services and VIP passenger services as never before provided in Israel.

Israel Taxis is an efficient and easy-to-use booking center that brings together hundreds of professional taxis drivers across the country.

We offer a Private Transfer Service 24/24 from or to Ben Gurion Airport with a personalized sign, as well as a Door-To-Door service for more than 100 Destinations in Israel. A Service of Provision of Vehicles with driver is also proposed for a flat rental at the Hour/Km.

We are committed to High Quality Service at ultra-competitive prices as well as impeccable customer service to assist you 24/24.